10. Altro Hardware

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10.1 Come posso far si' che il mio xxxxx device funzioni sotto dosemu?

Corey Sweeney (corey@bbs.xnet.com) dice (05/30/94)

Questo e' un reportage delle mie disavventure provando a far funzionare i device sotto dosemu. (ndZIOBUDDA: non e' tradotto.)

1. Look in your manual and find if your card uses any ports. If your manual gives you some, put them in your config file at the "ports" line. Remember that sometimes you need to have several ports in a row, and the first one might be the only one documented.

2. Try it out. If it doesn't work, or you don't have a manual (or your manual is as crappy as my AT&T manual:) then run dosemu with "dos -D+i 2> /tmp/io.debug". Run your device software, then exit dosemu. Look through /tmp/io.debug and find any port numbers it might give you. Try adding those to the port lines and try running dosemu again.

3. If you still fail then you may need interrupts. Find out what interrupt the card uses and get the SIG.tgz (silly interrupt generator) from somewhere on tsx-11.mit.edu. Install it as specified in the instructions.

and that's about it...

Question: What if my card uses DMA? Answer: Your screwed.

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