5.th School on “Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces”

Levico Terme, June 24-29, 2007




The following speakers have agreed to give short courses:

Ø     Michael COWLING (Sydney): “1-Quasiconformal Maps on Carnot Groups”

Abstract:  Carnot groups are model spaces for subriemannian geometry in the same way that euclidean space is the model space for riemannian geometry.  The aim of this course is to explain why 1-quasiconformal mappings of a subriemannian metric space should come from a finite-dimensional group of smooth transformations, and to prove this for mappings of Carnot groups.

This involves a regularity theorem for Q-harmonic functions due to Luca Capogna, an algebraic regularity theorem due to Capogna and Cowling, and some differential geometric ideas due to Tanaka.

If time permits, more general rigidity theorems for mappings with geometric properties will be outlined.

Ø     Juha HEINONEN (Ann Arbor): “Whitney Flat Forms and Applications”

Abstract:  H. Whitney developed his theory of flat forms based on duality with respect to polyhedral flat chains. The fact that flat forms are invariant under bi-Lipschitz transformations allows one to define the de Rham theory on Lipschitz manifolds, for example. In these lectures, I will discuss recent use of Whitney forms in the problem of (local) bi-Lipschitz parametrization of metric spaces by Euclidean spaces. In particular, a characterization of those metric surfaces that admit such local parametrizations is given in

terms of Whitney forms. We also discuss an extension of Whitney's theory to arbitrary Banach spaces.

Ø     Manuel RITORE’ (Granada): “Area-Stationary Surfaces and Isoperimetric Regions in the Heisenberg Group”

Abstract:  We describe recent progress in the study of isoperimetric regions in the Heisenberg group H^1.