XXV Workshop on Differential Geometric Methods

in Theoretical Mechanics

Levico T. (Trento), August 22nd-28th, 2010

List of main speakers


1)       Boris Konopeltchenko: Deformations of algebraic varieties, associative algebras and integrable systems.

2)       Askold Perelomof: Explicit integration of equation of motion of integrable systems.

3)       Franco Magri: Frobenius manifolds.

4)       Mauro Carfora: Introduction to the Ricci flow.

5)       Willy Sarlet: Gamma calculus: so what?

6)       Alberto Ibort: Reduction procedures.

7)       Giovanni Romano: The covariance paradigm in nonlinear continuum mechanics.

8)       Luca Vitagliano: The Hamilton formalism in higher derivative calculus of variations.

9)       Charles-Michel Marle: From Lie groups actions to Lie groupoid actions on the manifold of
motions of a mechanical system; example: manifold of motions of the Kepler problem.

10)    Enrico Massa: Hamilton Jacobi theory: a bridge between analytical mechanics and wave mechanics.

11)    Witold Respondek: Canonical contact distributions on jets bundles.

12)    Janusz Grabowski: Courant brackets and Dirac structures.

13)    Luis Garcia-Naranjo: Nonholonomic constrained systems.

14)    Paolo Facchi: Zeno dynamics and quantum constraints.

15)    Jesus Clemente-Gallardo: Zeno dynamics and control theory.

16)    Alexander Vinogradov: Secondary calculus.