Aysina.Publications History

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March 16, 2009, at 10:52 AM by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
* J.A. Aysina, V.V. Gavrilov, A.N. Galyautdinova, A.I. Fishman, The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. Book of thesises “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems”, 2007. Issue XIV, p.9.

* J.A. Aysina, A.I. Fishman, The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. Book of articles of research and educational conference KSU, 2007, p. 40.
* J.A. Aysina, V.V. Gavrilov, A.N. Galyautdinova, A.I. Fishman, "The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes". Book of thesises “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems”, '''2007''', ''Issue XIV'', p.9.

* J.A. Aysina, A.I. Fishman, "The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes". Book of articles of research and educational conference KSU, '''2007''', p. 40.
March 16, 2009, at 10:50 AM by -
Changed lines 1-7 from:
* J.A. Aysina, V.V. Gavrilov, A.N. Galyautdinova, A.I. Fishman. The vibrational
spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. // Book
of thesises “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems”, 2007. Issue XIV, P.9.

* J.A. Aysina, A.I. Fishman. The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics
of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. // Book of articles of research and educational
conference KSU, 2007, P. 40.
* J.A. Aysina, V.V. Gavrilov, A.N. Galyautdinova, A.I. Fishman, The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. Book of thesises “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems”, 2007. Issue XIV, p.9.

* J.A. Aysina, A.I. Fishman, The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. Book of articles of research and educational conference KSU, 2007, p. 40.
March 16, 2009, at 10:48 AM by -
Added lines 1-7:
* J.A. Aysina, V.V. Gavrilov, A.N. Galyautdinova, A.I. Fishman. The vibrational
spectra and conformational dynamics of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. // Book
of thesises “Structure and dynamics of molecular systems”, 2007. Issue XIV, P.9.

* J.A. Aysina, A.I. Fishman. The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics
of 1,3-dithia-1-oxo-cycloheptanes. // Book of articles of research and educational
conference KSU, 2007, P. 40.