Iacopo Carusotto

Born in Pisa (Italy) on january 23rd, 1975

Actual position: Senior Researcher at the INO-CNR BEC Center in Trento, Italy

Actual address:
INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Trento, via Sommarive 14, 38123 Povo (Trento), ITALY.
Tel: +39 0461 883925. Fax: +39 0461 882014


Teaching and other activities

  • During the year 2000 has partecipated to the Concorso a cattedre held by the Italian Ministry of Education and has obtained a permanent position as high school mathematics and physics professor. Position declined.

  • During the academic years 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 has led the Travaux Diriges of the Mecanique Quantique Avancee (Advanced Quantum Mechanics) course at the DEA de Physique Quantique (graduate school of Quantum Physics) at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.

  • During the academic year 2002-03 has worked as a tutor at the l'UTES (department for the application of multimedial technologies in the teaching of sciences) of Paris 6 "Pierre et Marie Curie" University. 

  • From september 2003 to july 2004 has taught basic french reading and writing to newly arrived immigrants at the Foyer Pinel, Saint-Denis, Paris.

  • During the academic year 2004-05 has been charged of the "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics" course for 3rd year undergraduate students in applied physics (laurea di primo livello in Fisica Applicata ) at the University of Trento.

  • From september to december 2008 has given a one-semester course on New trends in Bose-Einstein condensation to graduate students at ETH in Zurich (Switzerland)

  • From the academic year 2009-10 is in charge of the "Quantum Optics" course for 1st year Master students (laurea Magistrale) in Physics at the University of Trento

Prizes and awards 

  • June 1992: Has partecipated to the "Giochi della Chimica'' (italian national Chemistry Olimpiad) and has classified first in the B category (general high schools, licei). 

  • July 1993: Has partecipated as member of the italian team to the International Physical Olimpiad in Williamsburg, U.S., and has won a bronze medal.

  • July 1993: Has partecipated as member of the italian team to the International Matematical Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey, and has won a bronze medal.

  • November 2000: has obtained the "Le Scienze" medal for physics offered by the "Le Scienze" magazine (italian edition of Scientific American) to a young researcher.

  • September 2001: has been awarded the first prize for the best talk on condensed matter physics at the 87th conference of the Italian Physical Society.

  • April 2002: has obtained the Berz Award offered by the Institute Of Physics to a young theoretical physicist.

  • September 2002: has obtained the prize of the Italian Physical Society (SIF) for a young physicist having had his degree after 1995 (premio per giovani laureati).

  • 2010: Honorable mention in the GRF 2010 Awards for Essays on Gravitation with the essay Testing Hawking particle creation by black holes through correlation measurements by R. Balbinot, I. Carusotto, A. Fabbri, A. Recati, published as Int. J. of Mod. Phys. D 19, 2371 (2010).  Preprint available at arXiv:1005.4000