Prof. Renzo Vallauri

1st module

A.A. 1998/99


1. Introduction to solid state physics
- The chemical bond.
- Crystalline structures.
- Diffraction from periodic structures.
- Lattice dynamics.
- Thermal properties.

2. Electronic band structures.
- Free electron model.
- Near free electron approximation.
- Pseudopotential theory.
- Examples of band structures.
- Density of states.

3. Electronic motion and transport phenomena.
- Effective mass.
- Band electronic diffusion.
- Boltzmann equation.
- Electric conductivity in metals.

4. Superconductivity
- Phenomenological aspects.
- London equations.
- Cooper pairs.
- The BCS ground state.
- A comparison between BCS theory results and experimental data.
- Meissner effect. Superconductors of I and II kind.