From PhD Students Website

WorkShop09: CongedoGiuseppe

Data analysis for LISA and LISA-Pathfinder

The forthcoming generation of space-based gravitational wave observatories will open up a new and never-discovered window onto the Universe. Laser Interferometer Space Antenna is a gravitational wave detector aiming to reveal signals coming from a large number of sources and hence to start up a real gravitational wave astronomy. LISA will be a triangular constellation of 3 spacecrafts, each containing 2 test masses: a laser beam within each branch will track the movement of each test mass at a very low displacement/force noise level. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate the feasability of the free-fall, by reducing the disturbance sources. As such, the precursor mission, LISA-Pathfinder, is currently in the final integration phase. The Trento team plays a leading role, designing and testing the critical hardware, and defining the details of the experiments to be performed during the flight, with the associated data analysis tools and algorithms.

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Page last modified on December 17, 2009, at 11:59 AM