HPF in Practice: Prose Tutorial

Slide: HPF in Practice
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Introduction to Data-Parallelism

Links: Slide: HPF Vendors High Performance Fortran (HPF) was defined in 1993 to provide a portable language for programming scientific applications on parallel computers. Since then, many companies have begun to offer HPF compilers, converters, training, and other products. This tutorial presents many features of HPF. But first, we give a short introduction to parallel machines and their languages.

Slide: Intel Paragon There are several classes of parallel machines, including distributed memory machines and shared memory machines. Both types have independent processors that can run at the same time. The machine pictured at left, for example, has over 2000 processors. The machine only reaches its advertised peak speed if all the processors are executing concurrently (think of them as running in parallel lines - hence the term "parallel computing"). The key differences between them are the memory subsystems. Distributed memory machines give each processor a private memory that is inaccessible to any other processor. Any coordination between processors has to be accomplished by explicitly sending and receiving messages, which typically takes tens to thousands of CPU cycles. Slide: SGI Challenge Shared memory machines allow all processors to access a global memory (or several global memory modules). Information can be passed through this memory, making programming easier. However, making this global memory fast usually requires local cacheing of data on the processors, so it is still a good idea to take advantage of data locality. Early languages for parallel machines reflected the underlying hardware fairly strongly. Distributed memory machines typically forced the programmer to identify both the sender and receiver of all messages, while shared memory languages used barriers and signals to coordinate processors. While this led to efficient programs, it also made programs non-portable.

Slide: Data-Parallel Languages HPF uses data parallelism to allow users to write portable parallel programs. The main idea is that the parallelism comes from independent operations on all (or most) of the elements of large data structures. Since HPF is based on Fortran 90, the data structures are usually arrays. The parallel operations are often array arithmetic, although we'll see later that this can be generalized somewhat. Since there are typically tens (perhaps hundreds) of processors and thousands (or millions) of array elements, the elements have to be divided among the processors. HPF does this by high-level data mapping directives. The HPF compiler uses these hints from the user to decide which processor should perform each elemental operation. Basically, the compiler schedules the computation so that as many elements are local to the processor executing it as possible.

The next three sections of the tutorial look at the major pieces of HPF:

  1. Features inherited from Fortran 90
  2. Features that implement data parallelism
  3. Features that declare data mapping
The tutorial concludes with several examples of typical numerical kernels written in HPF, and news about the ongoing discussions to extend HPF.

HPF Features: Fortran 90

Slide: Fortran 90
HPF is based on Fortran 90, the latest ISO standard for the Fortran language. Fortran 90 is a major extension of FORTRAN 77 in many areas, of which the most important for HPF are:
Dynamic Memory Allocation
The ALLOCATE statement can allocate memory (including arrays) from the heap. This allows the kind of structured memory management found in other modern languages. It helps HPF by making it easier to declare arrays to be their "natural" size (which in turn affects their mapping).
Array Operations
Array assignment can update the values of entire arrays or (strided) rectangular sections of arrays. Similarly, array arithmetic makes it easy to add corresponding elements of two arrays.
New Intrinsics
Intrinsic functions such as SUM and MAXVAL perform reductions on whole arrays. Other intrinsics perform data movement (CSHIFT for circular shift) and other useful operations (MATMUL for matrix multiplication).
Procedure Interfaces
Explicit interfaces give the compiler more information about the arguments passed. They also enable new styles of parameter passing, including assumed-shape arrays which do not require the array bounds to be passed by the user.
Some Fortran 90 features that are less important to HPF include syntax improvements (variable names can be more than 7 characters), POINTER variables (more powerful than Pascal's pointers, but more structured than C pointers), and record structures (called "derived types").

HPF Features: Parallelism

Slide: Data Parallelism
HPF's support for data-parallel operations comes in several flavors:

Slide: FORALL Statement The FORALL statement was adapted from proposals made during the Fortran 90 development process and from a popular feature of the Connection Machine Fortran compiler. While its form resembles a DO statement, its meaning is very different. The FORALL statement

FORALL ( I = 2 : 4 )
    A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I+1)
    C(I) = B(I) * A(I+1)
executes as follows:
  1. Evaluate A(I-1) + A(I+1) for I = 2, 3, and 4. (These are the green ovals in the picture at left.)
  2. Assign the results to the corresponding A(I) locations. (Blue ovals.)
  3. Evaluate B(I) * A(I+1) for the three values of I. (Red ovals)
  4. Assign the new results to the corresponding C(I) locations. (Yellow ovals.)
The arrows in the figure show the worst-case dependences that can arise in the FORALL. Notice that, because there are no arrows across a row, that all operations in one row can be performed in parallel. For example, the three red ovals could each execute on a separate processor. Because of the arrows between levels, however, there may have to be synchronizations between the computations and the actual assignments.

Slide: DO Statement The FORALL example is different from the similar-looking

DO I = 1, 3
    A(I) = A(I-1) + A(I+1)
    C(I) = B(I) * A(I+1)
whose dependence diagram is shown at right. Although there are fewer constraints in the DO loop, the ones that are there are killers. Because of the arrow from the bottom of each iteration to the top of the next, everything must be done exactly in order. That is, nothing can run in parallel.

One other aspect of FORALL is hard to see in the small figures. Many of the worst-case dependences in the FORALL do not occur in any particular program; these are marked in gray, rather than black. If a compiler can detect this, it can produce more efficient parallel code by avoiding the synchronization points. (The same is true of a DO loop; that's how vectorizing compilers work.)

If you are familiar with Fortran 90, you may notice that FORALL has the same semantics as an array assignment (or a series of array assignments). In fact, any array assignment can be written as a FORALL; however, FORALL can express some array subsections, like diagonals, that array assignments can't. In practice, FORALL is a convienient way to express many array update operations. Some users find it easier to understand than array assignments, especially assignments to array subsections; others feel exactly the opposite.

Slide: PURE Function One of the constraints on FORALL statements is that they can only contain assignments. Conditionals, nested loops, and CALLs are not allowed. Also, it would be unsafe for a statement in a FORALL to invoke an arbitrary function - if the function had side effects, the results could be completely messed up. These are both serious limitations on FORALL functionality, and would probably be unacceptable to programmers. Therefore, HPF also introduces a new class of functions called PURE functions which cannot have side effects. The code inside the PURE function can have arbitrarily complex control flow, including conditionals and loops. However, it cannot assign to any global variables or dummy arguments, nor can it use globals or dummies anywhere that their values might change (for example, as a DO loop index).

Slide: INDEPENDENT Directive The INDEPENDENT directive takes a different approach to specifying data parallelism. Rather than define a new statement with new semantics, INDEPENDENT gives the compiler more information about existing Fortran statements. In particular, !HPF$ INDEPENDENT before a DO loop tells the compiler that the iterations of the loop do not affect each other in any way. (The !HPF$ means that INDEPENDENT is advice to the compiler, rather than a first-class statement.) So the code block

DO J = 1, 3
    A(J) = A( B(J) )
    C(J) = A(J) * B(A(J))
can be run with each iteration on a separate processor and no synchronization during the loop. The worst-case dependence diagram for this loop is shown at right. Again, it is possible for some of the dependence arcs to be missing in a particular case, but it is less common for compilers to try to take advantage of this. Instead, HPF compilers concentrate on partitioning the iterations between processors. A common heuristic for this is the "owner-computes rule," in which the processor that owns one of the left-hand sides takes responsibility for all computations in an iteration.

Slide: INDEPENDENT Examples INDEPENDENT is most useful for giving the compiler application-specific knowledge that can be used to run a loop in parallel. For example, the figure at left illustrates the code segment

DO I = 1, N
    X(IBLUE(I)) = X(IBLUE(I)) + X(IRED(J))
(The NEW clause means that J is local to the outer loop.) The programmer is telling the compiler that the elements X(IBLUE(I)) and X(IRED(J)) are distinct for all values of I and J. Also, the IBLUE array cannot have any repeated values. Essentially, IBLUE and IRED arrays have to partition the X array as shown in the lower left. This is enough for the compiler to run the outer loop in parallel. It is also information that the compiler could not discover on its own; it depends on the input data (and, presumably, on the program's data structures and algorithms). If IBLUE and IRED don't correctly partition the array (shown on the lower right), then it is a programming error. Unfortunately, it will be a difficult error to find.

Slide: HPF Library The HPF library and intrinsics are the final set of data-parallel features in the language. These are operations that have 3 important properties:

  1. They are useful in scientific computation
  2. They have efficient implementations on parallel machines
  3. The efficient implementations are complex, subtle, or machine-dependent
HPF has put the burden of writing these efficient implementations on the compiler writers, rather than on all programmers. Three classes of library functions are shown: reductions (SUM at the top of the figure; actually a Fortran 90 intrinsic), prefix operators (SUM_PREFIX in the middle; each element is the sum of the elements before it), and scatter operators (SUM_SCATTER at the bottom; arbitrary shuffling and combining of data). In addition, HPF offers sorting functions in the library.

HPF Features: Data Mapping

Slide: Data Mapping
The data-mapping features are perhaps the best-known part of HPF, describing how to split data among parallel processors. HPF uses a two-phase mapping strategy. Because the mapping stages act somewhat like declarations, they can appear in either order and the compiler will process them correctly. Also, you can omit one stage (or both, if you really trust your compiler); in fact, some programmers prefer to ignore ALIGN and use DISTRIBUTE for all their arrays.

Slide: DISTRIBUTE directive The DISTRIBUTE directive partitions an array by specifying a regular distribution pattern for each dimension. The basic form of a DISTRIBUTE directive on a 2-dimensional array is

!HPF$ DISTRIBUTE array_name(pattern1, pattern2)
The figure at left shows four possible distributions of a 12 by 12 array by giving elements on the same processor the same color. The BLOCK pattern breaks the dimension into equal-sized blocks, one per processor. For example, the upper left array in the figure uses a BLOCK distribution on rows. The CYCLIC pattern is at the other end of the spectrum - it spreads the elements one per processor, wrapping around when it runs out of processors. The upper left array is CYCLIC in the column dimension. Dimensions that are not divided between processors are denoted by *. Therefore, the declarations for the top two arrays are
CYCLIC can also take a parameter K, which causes it to dole out groups of K instead of single elements. The lower right array therefore uses the pattern (CYCLIC(2),CYCLIC(3). The (extremely common) distribution at lower left is (BLOCK,BLOCK).

The purpose of choosing a distribution is to control the performance of the code. Because of the owner-computes strategy of most HPF compilers, the dimension(s) of an array with the most potential data parallelism should be divided among processors (i.e. they should use a pattern other than *). This will assure that operations that can run in parallel will run in parallel.

Slide: BLOCK Communication To decide which pattern to use, you need to consider the data movement that will be generated. The goal is to minimize the amount of data that has to move between processors. (Even on shared memory machines, data may have to move from one processor's cache to another's cache.) The figure at right shows how to estimate this graphically. Consider which elements are used together (for example, appear in the same expression). If the elements are on the same processor, there should not be data movement; if they are on different processors, at least one of them must move. The figure uses color-coding for processors, and shows communications as dark lines for several common subscript patterns. Although the analysis can become tedious, the following rules of thumb cover many programs:

The ALIGN directive matches individual array elements to other array elements or to slices of arrays. The syntax is

!HPF$ ALIGN array1(i,j) with array2(i*a+b, j*c-d)
Given this directive, only array2 can appear in a DISTRIBUTE directive. The "dummy arguments" on aray1 can be any integer variables, and the expressions after array2 can be any affine linear functions of the dummies. In many programs, the linear functions are simply the dummy arguments; that is, ALIGN uses an identity mapping rather than a more complex one. ALIGN can also use the * to represent "all values in that dimension". This allows replication of array elements across several processors.
Slide: ALIGN directive
As examples, the figure above illustrates alignments between four arrays:
!HPF$ ALIGN Z(L) WITH X(3,2*L-1)
Elements are mapped together if they contain the same symbol in the same color. (This is much easier to see in the full-size slide.) So, X is aligned with the transpose of W; X(1,6) and W(6,1) both contain a magenta square. Each element of Y is aligned with an entire row of W, so Y(2) contains six yellow symbols corresponding to the six yellow elements in W's second row. Z is ultimately aligned to every other element in W's third column, that is to three of the six colored triangles. The lower two-thirds of the figure shows the effect on all arrays of two distributions for W.

Slide: DYNAMIC data mapping Two extensions of the above distribution mechanism are important to HPF. The first is dynamic data mapping. For some arrays, a single distribution is not appropriate for the entire program. For example, an efficient 2-dimensional FFT might distribute the array by rows to process the X dimension, then distribute the array by columns to perform the Y-direction operations. Another example is using runtime information (such as the size of an array) to pick the appropriate mapping. Recognizing this need, HPF provides "executable" versions of the ALIGN and DISTRIBUTE directives called REALIGN and REDISTRIBUTE. The syntax and semantics are the same as for the "declaration" directives, except that the new forms apply from the time it is executed until another mapping directive is encountered. That is, the "RE" forms have dynamic scope while the normal forms have static scope. Users should be aware, however, that REALIGN and REDISTRIBUTE will generally cause heavy data movement if they are used. Slide: Mapping in Subroutines The other extension to the basic mapping capabilities applies to dummy arguments. There are several things that one might want to do with a dummy's mapping:

HPF has options to express any of these possibilities. If data is remapped on entry to a procedure, then it is returned to its original distribution on return.

Parallel Programming in HPF

Slide: Parallel Programming in HPF
This section of the talk describes four typical (if short) scientific kernels, and discusses the issues in translating them into HPF. The algorithms have been chosen to cover a range of areas and techniques. The full slides include a sample HPF code for each algorithm.

Slide: Gaussian Elimination Gaussian elimination illustrates array operations and load balancing for dense linear algebra. The algorithm solves a system of linear equations by successively updating the matrix that represents the system. The figure at left shows the pattern of these updates: at each stage, the blue section of the array is updated using its own values and the values of the red elements. The updating operation itself is data-parallel, and thus a good choice for HPF. There is no data locality in the computation, since each red element updates several blue ones. However, since the amount of work shrinks at each stage, it is important to choose a distribution that keeps as many processors busy as possible. In this case, that is the CYCLIC data distribution.

Slide: Jacobi Iteration Jacobi iteration illustrates nearest-neighbor communication. The algorithm solves a simple PDE by discretizing it on a regular mesh and approximating the equation at each mesh point by a finite difference form. The resulting set of equations are solved iteratively by updating each array element using the stencil shown in the figure. Again, this is a classically data-parallel operation. Unlike Gaussian elimination, however, there is substantial data locality and no load imbalance to worry about. Such computations' performance is optimized by HPF's BLOCK distribution.

Slide: Conjugate Gradient Conjugate gradient expands Jacobi to a more realistic numerical method. The new method uses the same discretization and finite difference formulation as before, but formulates the problem as an error minimization. This allows some sophisticated mathematics to be brought to bear on the problem, leading to a much more efficient iterative scheme. Each iteration of the conjugate gradient iteration requires a Jacobi-like computation of the residual, two dot products, and several vector updates. All these operations are data-parallel. The best data distribution is determined by the residual, prompting the use of BLOCK distribution here. More complex problems could be solved by the conjugate gradient method by replacing the residual routine and choosing a data distribution appropriate to the new operator.

Slide: Irregular Mesh Relaxation Finally, relaxation on an irregular mesh shows what is (and what is not) supported in HPF for irregular computations. The algorithm updates the nodes in a graph based on values stored in the edges. The data parallelism is trickier here than in the previous examples, since each node may be updated by several edges. However, the HPF library routine SUM_SCATTER performs this operation efficiently. The cost of the scatter will depend on how the nodes and edges are mapped to processors. Conceptually, one would like to place the nodes individually. However, this is not possible with HPF's regular distributions. What is possible is to renumber the nodes so that nodes near each other in the graph are also near each other in the array. After this permutation, a simple BLOCK distribution will tend to enhance data locality. Slide: Irregular Mesh distribution Similarly, the edges can be reordered so they land on the same processor as their endpoints. Such a reordered mesh is shown in the figure at left. While this example shows that irregular computations are possible in HPF, it is clear the the program is far from elegant. Some of the extensions under development for HPF 2 address these issues.

HPF Version 2.0

Slide: Coming Attractions in HPF
Although this tutorial has tried to show how HPF is useful in practice, it is true that HPF has limitations. Some of the most commonly mentioned features missing from HPF include: All of these were considered in the initial HPF definition process but ultimately not adopted. Usually, this was because the committee could not agree on how to meet the need, or because they felt that more development was needed before standardization. In 1995, however, a new series of meetings began to try to add these features to HPF. The new draft of the HPF standard is expected in time for Supercomputing '96 in Pittsburgh, PA. In light of the facts that
  1. HPF requires a complex compiler to provide a good implementation
  2. Many new features of HPF will be even more difficult to implement than the current language
many of the most significant new features are included as "Approved Extensions" to HPF, rather than included in the language per se. This allows potential customers of HPF to request specific features from the compiler vendors, providing an upgrade path for the future. It also allows HPF compilers to appear in a timely fashion, as vendors can concentrate first on the core features of the language. We feel that HPF 2.0 with these approved extensions provides high-level, portable parallel programming and options necessary for tuning performance on particular machines is vital to the future of parallel computing. This will allow new applications to be written and ported to parallel machines, thus broadening their appeal and solving the scientific and engineering problems needed by industry.

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Last modified: April 30, 1996

Chuck Koelbel