The waters flow from the springs at a costant temperature of 27.5 degrees
and already in Roman times they were known for their theraoeutic properties
especially good for skin desease.
The Comano springs are the main resource of the whole area of Banale,
Bleggio and Lomaso. The work of catering and accomodation in hotels,
apartaments and rented houses flanks and integrates, in a well balenced
partnership, the work of the farmers in the fields. The atmosphere and
countryside make a holiday here a pleasant and relaxing.
The whole area gravitates around the modern spa centre in the heart of
a very large green public park on the banks of the Sarca torrent. The
therapies depend on the water that is low in mineral content but rich in
calcium bicarbonate and magnesium.
However, in recent years, the area has developed a holiday offer linked
to nature and the invironment and bent on rediscovering the rural
civilisation. How? By entering the daily life of the large and small
villages of Banale, Bleggio and Lomaso, three small highlands surrounding
Walking through the countryside and among the houses, discovering their
great and small history, you can appreciate the features and products of this
land. Cheese (the area in an important dairy farming centre) or Bleggio
walnuts, legendary for their taste, potatoes grown in the geometric Lomaso
fields, all undoubtley justify buying a small supply to take home.
A holiday up here can, for instance, take us back to our school days when,
in Dasindo, a small hamlet of Lomaso, we discovered the plaque marking
the house of the poet Giovanni Prati. Or in can encourage us to investigate
the existence of our distant ancestor by visiting the lake dwelling,
brought to light in the Fiave' peat-big, an archeological site of rare
wealth and interest.