Department of Physics of the University of  Trento

Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, National Research Counsil - Section CeFSA, Istituto Trentino di Cultura of  Trento

X-Ray Synchroton Radiation Laboratory

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XEOL apparatus
X-ray absorption apparatus
PWA: Project Wiggler Adone

X-ray excited optical spectroscopy

Principle sheme of the XEOL apparatus

XEOL Equipment 


X-ray Spectroscopy apparatus in transmission and fluorescence mode*

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The technicians of the Physics department pf the University of Trento Giulietto Chini  and Ing. Roberto Graziola

The experimental apparatus has been designed by the technicians and researchers of the X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and constructed by the Mechanical Workshop, Electronic Workshop and Design Service of the Physics Department under Dr. Francesco Rocca Direction. The apparatus is installad at the beamline GILDA of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.
* In collaboration with  the Physics Department of the Parma and Roma 3 Universities.


PWA: Project Wiggler Adone

X-ray absorption spectroscopy apparatus designed by the technicians and researchers of the X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and constructed by the Mechanical Workshop, Electronic Workshop and Design Service of the Physics Department under Dr. Francesco Rocca Direction. 
The apparatus was installed at the Syncrotron Radiation Laboratory PWA in Frascati.

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Apparatus for  XAFS spectroscopy

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Control and data acquisition electronics for the apparatus XAFS

* In collaboration with  Prof. Emilio Burattini of the INFN National Labs of  Frascati (Italy)