23 november 2015 Project workshop
Despite the rather long website hibernation, things are running. The workshop titled "Novel approaches to DNA plasmids anlysis" is organized the 23rd of November 2015 at the Dept. of Physics of UNITN.
Here is the program.
Participation is free and your all welcome to join us!!
26 august 2014 New Publications!
Project's publication list is updated with two recents articles ppublished by CNR units of Milan and Rome. Here the details.
7 august 2014 PSi membranes integrated with fluidics
It took a loooot of time but in the end we've got it! Thanks to Cristina and Romain we finally succeed in integrating the PSi membranes with fluidics in a reliable manner. porous silicon membrane integrated into a fluidics system
11-13 june 2014 Poster presentation
Project activities presented at the Annual Congress of the Fotobiology Italian Society.
22 may 2014 Annual meeting
1st year project meeting organized in Rome.
21 february 2014 Conference talk
"Optical sensors base on nanoporous materials" presented at 2o Convegno Nazionale Sensori in Rome.
6 february 2014 Conference talk
""Role of nonspecific binding: a comparison among flow through and flow over assays in nanoporous material" presented at SPIE Bios2014 in San Francisco.
3 january 2014 Front Cover article
Our recently published article on non specific binding was selected as cover story by Analyst for the issue no. 139(6).
17 december 2013 2nd project publication!
"The reverse gyrase form Pyrobaculum calidifontis, a novel extremely thermophilic DNA topoisomerase endowed with DNA unwinding and annealing activities"
was published by on Journal of Biological Chemistry: here the link to the article
10 december 2013 1st project publication!
"Investigation of non-specific binding in nanoporous flow-through and flow-over based sensors"
was published on Analyst: DOI: 10.1039/C3AN01996A
12 september 2013 Conference talk
NEMATIC was presented at FISMAT 2013 conference held in Milan.
30 may 2013 2D electrophoretic separation of supercoiled DNA plasmids
IBP perform the first 2D electrophoretic separation of highly positive and negative DNA plasmids within NEMATIC activities. Here below a scheme of how the technique works and an image of the experimental result:

2D electrophoretic separation of - and + supecoiled DNA
21 may 2013 Conference talk
NEMATIC was presented at FOTONICA 2013 conference held in Milan.
2 may 2013 First porous alumina thin membranes
Our brave master student fabricate the first porous alumina thin membranes.
Bravo Stefano!
Here below an image of a thin free standing membrane released from the substrate:

free standing porous alumina membrane
24 april 2013 Project Kick-off Meeting
The kick off meeting was held at the Department of Physics of the University of Trento. It was the first opportunity for the partners to meet all together.
It has been a very productive meeting with in depth discussion of the first activities to be performed and a planning of the initial experiments.