AUDIENCE. Doctoral students in mathematics, univeristy of Trento. Other interested doctoral students from other doctoral schools. Interested third year and laurea magistrale students are also welcome.

TEACHERS. Fabio Bagagiolo (University of Trento) and Dario Bauso (University of Palermo).

PERIOD. March-April 2013

FREQUENCY About four hours per week

TIMETABLE Wednesday and Thursday 15:30-17:30. Starting Wednesday March 6th, aula 7, entrance hall Povo 0.
SECOND LESSON: Thursday 7th March, 15:30, Aula Seminari di Matematica.

PROGRAM.Non-cooperative games, Pareto optimality, pure and mixed strategies, Nash equilibria, Stackelberg equilibrium. Cooperative games, imputation set, core, nucleolus. Stochastic games. Brouwer and Kakutani fixed point theorems. Optimal control problems, Pontryagin maximum principle, dynamic programming, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, differential games, Isaacs equation. Large population optimal control problems, mean field games.

CONTACT Fabio Bagagiolo,

REGOLE PER L'ESAME. Al seguente link si trovano le regole per l'esame sia per i dottorandi che per gli studenti. Gli argomenti elencati, sotto forma di titoli di temi, sono quelli trattati durante il corso, e ovviamente, fanno riferimento a cio' che e' stato svolto in classe (piu' qualche esercizio suggerito).