WorkShop16-17.MatteoDiGiovanni History

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November 18, 2016, at 03:16 PM by -
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[+ Detection of gravitational wave burst transients: waveform signal reconstruction and error estimation with cWB tool +]

The new generation of gravitational wave detectors led, last year, to the first detection of a transient gravitational-wave. GW150914 signal was detected by cWB (Coherent WaveBurst) low latency pipeline few minutes after the gravitational wave had gone through the arms of the LIGO interferometers in the USA. The Trento Padova group's involvement, in collaboration with University of Florida and Hannover's AEI groups, in the development of CWB low latency pipeline was essential. In this presentation I’m going to give an overview of the cWB pipeline and I will focus on the possible developments of a procedure to estimate the waveform error in CWB.


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