WorkShop10-11.LectioMagistralis History

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December 24, 2011, at 10:55 AM by -
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Stefano Dusini

Tenure researcher @ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, sezione di Padova
(PhD in Trento)

Neutrino oscillation physics

In the last 15 years several experiment with solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator neutrinos have provided compelling evidence of oscillations of neutrinos caused by nonzero neutrino masses and neutrino mixing, opening new perspectives over physics beyond the standard model. Although the picture is far from being complete many open questions have been addressed by the current and next generation of experiments. Current long baseline accelerator and reactor disappearance experiments are measuring atmospheric and solar mixing parameters with good accuracy. The appearance of ντ in the CNGS beam will prove unambiguously which is the dominant transition channel at the atmospheric scale. However still many questions remain to be answered: is θ13 non zero? Is there CP-violation in the leptonic sector? Are only active neutrinos involved?
The lecture will review the phenomenology of neutrino oscillations in vacuum with some highlight on the most recent experimental results and on future prospective.
