WorkShop14-15.BernardMartino History

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February 05, 2015, at 05:41 PM by -
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Non-linearity in integrated photonics

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After an introduction to my group (Funzionalized Materials & Photonic Structures FMPS) at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) and to the SiQuro (On silicon chip quantum optics for quantum computing and secure communications) project. (2 mins) An introduction to the silicon photonics, and in particular to the fundamentals of integrated photonics (waveguides, whishpering gallery mode resonators) will follow (5min) allowing me to show the physics which may be investigated with such instruments (Chi3 and induced Chi2 nonlinearity in silicon). Time permitting, I'd show the all-around (theoretical, simulative, experimental) work on an analogous of the Lamb Shift in WGMR resonances.

February 05, 2015, at 05:09 PM by -
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