WorkShop14-15.MatteoLeonardi History

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February 11, 2015, at 11:51 AM by -
Added line 8:

Virgo is a km-scale Michelson interferometer with suspended (i.e. free falling) end

February 09, 2015, at 11:42 AM by -
Added lines 1-31:


Squeezed light states to improve measurement precision: application to the gravitational wave detector Virgo.

mirrors located near Pisa: this detector is part of a network of observatories aiming at the detection of gravitational wave (GW) signals from compact astrophysical sources. The observations will soon be resumed in 2015-16 at unprecendented sensitivity by upgraded detectors, Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGOs. The sensitivity will be limited nearly at all frequencies by quantum noise: radiation pressure noise at low frequencies (10-100Hz) and shot noise at high frequencies (100Hz-10kHz). Within the Advanced Virgo (AdV) collaboration, we are developing a squeezed vacuum source to be injected into the dark port of the interferometer that will allow AdV to increase the sensitivity below the standard limit set by quantum fluctuations (Standard Quantum Limit). The planned sensitivity improvement (6dB) will increase the radius of the observed universe by a factor of two that makes a factor of 8 in volume of observed universe.
